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nosbusa 01-21-2013 05:13 AM

yEaH, mAyBe wE cAn EdIt YoU oUt Of ThE pIcTuRe AlToGeThEr

nosbusa 01-21-2013 05:16 AM

only 6 1/2 times your posts...... get your damn facts right........

side note...... got me a new trailer tonight. it can hold 3 quads and a bike. now if i can only find a place to practice backing up without running into shit.........

SBA800 01-21-2013 05:26 AM

best way to practice backing up is to practice going around sharp corners.

once you can do that stuff, the rest is super easy.
and some people are naturally good at it, and some just suck no matter how much practice you give them. im mostly referring to women when i say that..... jk......

first time i backed a trailer up, i got it perfect. its not hard at all.

aarons419 01-22-2013 05:57 AM

Noah, I'm planning on plowing up a few jumps and some turns around the perimeter of the moto track for the Raptor. Basically I'll have all but 1 acre of the property to do with as I please if we get it.

good price? well it depends on where you're looking, but we found the house and land for $189,000 just because it's out away from the city.

As for your trailer, it just takes practice man, and the longer the trailer the easier it is since it'll turn more slowly. I used to have an 8' trailer that would jack knife in heart beat, but when I worked in WY I had a monsterous trailer for my Snow Cat that had to be 20' long and it was easy as hell to back up and put exactly where I wanted it.

nosbusa 01-22-2013 10:59 PM

still trying this backing up thing with the trailer. i can get the trailer where i want it, but getting the truck there too is a different story.

and $189k is cheap for land. try that here in ca, and you get a 500sq ft shack on 1000ft of property........

SBA800 01-23-2013 05:39 AM

brother got 10 acres and a house with multiple buildings (sheds, huge barn) for 100K

im good at backing up trailers. my little 8x8' trailer i backed into a 9' opening, around a corner first try.

just think about what to do in your head, so you know what its gonna do before you do it. thats how i do shit, visualize it, then just do it.

nosbusa 01-23-2013 03:01 PM

visualize and attack........ sounds familiar......... know the movie?

aarons419 01-28-2013 05:35 AM

Just keep practicing man, you'll get it before long. Repetition is key with trailer maneuvering.

nosbusa 01-28-2013 12:28 PM

off to dmv to day to get it registered.

aarons419 01-30-2013 07:11 AM

They'll never let you reg it when they find the bag of colombian bam bam above the axle...

nosbusa 01-31-2013 01:11 AM

too late punk.... got my plate now i can tow my quads........ i was going to your place to hang out, but after that last comment, i think i will just go cry into my bowl of frosted mini-wheats. Then I will eat them in order to learn what defeat tastes like.

aarons419 02-01-2013 08:12 AM

Let me know how your frosted mini-defeats tasted buddy! You've got a lot of editing to do my friend.... made is now gay themed. Don't you worry your pretty little head though, I'm not done just yet.

SBA800 02-01-2013 02:57 PM


AK SNO RIDER 02-01-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by aarons419 (Post 21972)
Let me know how your frosted mini-defeats tasted buddy! You've got a lot of editing to do my friend.... made is now gay themed. Don't you worry your pretty little head though, I'm not done just yet.

You have way too much free time....

aarons419 02-02-2013 05:07 AM

Nah, I had to sacrifice sleep to do that, I'm tired as hell today. I normally only have about 30 mins to mess with the internet every day. I made an exception in his case.

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