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nosbusa 12-21-2012 03:12 AM

reminds me of a joke....... probably not appropriate though....... (stereotype, slightly racist)

aarons419 12-28-2012 12:22 AM

Just bought a spark arrestor for the bike. It's made by Pro Moto Billet. Much cheaper solution than getting a new muffler. Looks like the install will be pretty easy too.

Here's a pic of what it looks like.

nosbusa 12-28-2012 11:32 AM

glad it was a cheap fix for you.

NickPic83 12-28-2012 08:29 PM

nice cheap fix and it looks cool too

aarons419 12-28-2012 09:21 PM

Ok quick pic of the finished product. I really like how it turned out and it was pretty easy to do. I'm going to write it up in a separate thread so it's not buried in case other people actually want to use this same solution.

NickPic83 12-28-2012 11:33 PM

thats so purdy

aarons419 12-30-2012 11:59 AM

Thanks, hopefully I can go bolt it on today and try it out.

NickPic83 12-30-2012 09:10 PM

any pics of it installed?

aarons419 12-30-2012 09:22 PM

I ended up staying in and playing Madden 13 all day since it's cold out and didn't want to take my daughter out and get her sick or something, so I haven't even installed it yet, lol.

Slacking I know...

NickPic83 12-30-2012 09:23 PM

madden is addiciting.....

aarons419 12-30-2012 11:29 PM

Oh for sure, I lose whole days to it, haha.

NickPic83 01-01-2013 08:29 PM

thats one of those that when u finally say damn im tired what time is it and ur like o shit its 3am

aarons419 01-02-2013 12:27 PM

Yeah no kidding.

Got the bike out yesterday and it works like a champ. Sound really didn't change much, if anything it's slightly quieter, I got some video and it didn't sound all that loud.

I was going to post the video from the jump I found but watching it a minute ago reminded me that everything always feels bigger than it looks on video. I could have swore i was 8' up in the air, but it was more like 4-5, lol.

Found a kick ass place to ride though, it's right next to the Chrysler proving grounds out here. There's an abandoned gravel pit right outside the fence line and it's got a huge flat area for my daughter to ride in and some hills and jumps for me to play on. I've been looking for a spot like that since I moved here.

NickPic83 01-02-2013 08:18 PM

sounds like a cool spot. nice u and ur daughter can play at the same place

aarons419 01-02-2013 10:33 PM

Place sketched me out after dark though for some reason, not really sure why. Just got one of those weird feelings. Watch it's a body dump for axe murderers or something, lol

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