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SBA800 12-04-2012 02:02 PM

well, at least it wasnt a complete lie

nosbusa 12-05-2012 03:40 AM

man, i had squishy feet all that day. no change of socks, so i had to squeeze all the water out, then put on my work shoes. smelled and was wet. to top it off, my boots didnt dry during the day so back into another wet pair of shoes.......crap......

SBA800 12-05-2012 10:51 AM

always have spares lol

89suburban 12-05-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by nosbusa (Post 20713)
well now that the storms have passed, i can go without rain gear for a while. i found that my current pants and boots were no longer waterproof. i got to work one day in the pouring rain feeling a little wet. take off the pants and boots and it looked like an elephant pissed on me. i was soaking wet all day.... damn.....

I hate that, I just went through that shit ast week in that snow we got, shoes were soaked.

aarons419 12-05-2012 05:16 PM

Well now that I found this thread I feel right at home over here, just like FRF.

Got another place to post whore now or something.

Got my daughter her TTR-50 today, and hopefully saturday I'll pick up my YZ426!

AK SNO RIDER 12-06-2012 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by nosbusa (Post 20653)
i like the rain...... my family said i was born half fish......... best time to ride a motorcycle though.......

Gonna have to disagree. I never ride my bike in the rain, screw that. Why do you like riding in the rain?

nosbusa 12-06-2012 12:46 AM

because when all the idoits crash because they dont know how to drive in he rain, and traffic is backed up for miles, i can go right down the middle. bay area traffic sucks as it is, but add a little water and it gets exponentially worse

AK SNO RIDER 12-06-2012 12:50 AM

Bahahah. That makes sense. We don't have that kind of traffic here so that's a non-issue for me. Although when it's tourist season here I take the bike as often as possible because our little small town roads can't deal with the traffic growing by a factor of like 4000% and being able to weave through cars is so much better.

nosbusa 12-06-2012 02:30 AM

yes, splitting lanes is a must, here. my normal commute takes 50 minutes by bike. the same commute by car/truck is 1 hour 15 minutes. on a good day. add rain, and it can take up to 2 hours or more.

aarons419 12-06-2012 07:06 PM

Man I never had the balls to do any lane splitting on my bike. Then again that may be because Oklahoma drivers are so terrible that it was pretty much a death sentence to try it.

SBA800 12-06-2012 11:06 PM

i would never lane split if i ever get a bike. such idiots in the city,

aarons419 12-07-2012 12:07 AM

That's my thoughts exactly. All it would take is one idiot. I get the utility of it, but I'm just not ballsy enough to do it. Then again, I really don't care for riding on the road anyhow. At least not the freeways.

nosbusa 12-07-2012 01:20 AM

freeways are the best..... especially empty ones......
also cant forget the gas mileage that you get with a bike...... unless you drive a prius......

AK SNO RIDER 12-07-2012 04:53 AM

My Ninja gets 48 mpgs compared to my trucks 13. Love it.

Also can't forget that girls love a guy with a bike. Hahahh

aarons419 12-07-2012 06:47 AM

Chicks do dig the bikes, that's definitely true. That's one of the things the wife said she liked about me when we met.

nosbusa 12-07-2012 11:56 AM

yeah, they like the bikes, but liking the rider........ um not in my case.....

aarons419 12-08-2012 12:45 AM

I managed to trick one into liking the rider....I guess that's all I needed.

nosbusa 12-08-2012 05:52 AM

until she got to your place and the helmet came off.

aarons419 12-08-2012 08:17 AM

I prefer to keep the helmet on on first dates, and am sure to talk like batman, if they come back after that, you know they're a keeper.

SBA800 12-08-2012 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by aarons419 (Post 20892)
I prefer to keep the helmet on on first dates, and am sure to talk like batman, if they come back after that, you know they're a keeper.

even better if you dress like batman..

nosbusa 12-08-2012 03:01 PM

yeah, strap on your abs and biceps.......

aarons419 12-08-2012 03:58 PM

Gotta look good for the ladies, enhancements are a must. I find a sock filled with other socks stuffed down the front of my pants brings all the ladies to the yard...

nosbusa 12-09-2012 04:41 AM

so im guessing you arent height/size proportionate.....

aarons419 12-09-2012 09:20 AM

Dude it's like Madden Football there's only so many attribute points to spend when a person is being made...

nosbusa 12-09-2012 05:51 PM

damn i guess all my attribute points were all in one spot.........

nosbusa 12-11-2012 02:59 AM

still cant figure it out.

on another note, what did you all ask santa for this year?

aarons419 12-13-2012 07:55 PM

How the hell do you buy pants?

aarons419 12-13-2012 08:03 PM

I asked him for a dirt bike and a snowboarding trip. Delivered on both notes.

What about you?

SBA800 12-13-2012 08:13 PM

im merging this thread with the official chat thread.

aarons419 12-13-2012 08:25 PM

Good call, I was wondering why there was two of them.

SBA800 12-13-2012 08:28 PM

i think theres another one floating around somewhere.

maybe i merged it before i cant remember.

to many damn off topic threads lol.
we gotta get some more people.

next week when im off work i think ill work on stickers and flyers.

flyers you guys can print out and post locally on bulletin boards or whatever.

and stickers for our trucks/OHV's

aarons419 12-14-2012 12:31 AM

I'll rock a sticker on my bike fo sho. Also, like I said, I'll stickerbomb all over places in A-stan. I'm pretty sure there's bored dudes over there who own OHVs

nosbusa 12-14-2012 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by aarons419 (Post 21197)
I asked him for a dirt bike and a snowboarding trip. Delivered on both notes.

What about you?

i always ask for things i cant get......... a non nagging wife, a bigger dick, and hot women at my door every night......

89suburban 12-17-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by SBA800 (Post 21216)
i think theres another one floating around somewhere.

maybe i merged it before i cant remember.

to many damn off topic threads lol.
we gotta get some more people.

next week when im off work i think ill work on stickers and flyers.

flyers you guys can print out and post locally on bulletin boards or whatever.

and stickers for our trucks/OHV's

On another Shaggy site we made an Off-Topic thread in the Lounge and pinned it just for that stuff. ;)

SBA800 12-17-2012 06:53 PM

guess i could make this one a sticky.

nosbusa 12-17-2012 07:54 PM

sticky and wet...

aarons419 12-17-2012 09:48 PM

don't forget sloppy....

nosbusa 12-17-2012 10:47 PM

crap, now i want a banana split.......

aarons419 12-17-2012 10:51 PM

Just remember straight dudes don't make eye contact while eating bananas.

nosbusa 12-17-2012 11:07 PM

and you speak from experience....

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