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Old 01-27-2013, 08:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Age: 33
Posts: 952
Default finally had an incident
well I knew it was only a matter of time before i had an incident on my sled. since it was such a jump in power.

Anyways, was cruising along at a decent speed, id guess 40 mph. in the field where the trail runs, which was not groomed at all. stupid rough. came down a hill and BAM hit a ridge of snow and got thrown directly off the sled. my left foot got run over by the track and i flipped maybe 2 or 3 times before rolling to a stop.

wasnt a lot of snow on the ground thanks to the wind so it was a rough fall. thank god my boots are good and completely saved my foot. I wear Klim Radium boots, their stupid stiff like a snowbaord boot, and the insert is super hard so it saved me foot 100%. my leg above the boot has a bit of a scratch, and is bruised as fawk and sore. but all good.

now, lets get baclk to the reason WHY I got thrown off.
this was in a field, where the groomed trail runs. with permission from that landowner. now i dont know who, or why, but someone dragged something through the snow clearing a path, and creating 2 ridges of snow. right across the damn trail. so thanks to the asshole who did that i know have bruises everywhere, sore limbs and a scratched/cut leg.

all is fine though. machine is fine, no broken/sprained bones so i will recover. continued my ride to, this was 15 minutes in, and no way was i going back home. went on to do about 10 miles more before the leg got to sore and headed home.

now i did have my cam running (or so i thought) but when i got back to the garage to put the sled away, it was off, and wouldn't turn on. got home and the battery was dead. video file appeared on camera, however no readable data. which sucks!!!
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