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Old 07-14-2013, 02:29 PM   #424
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Age: 33
Posts: 952
Multiple things all adding up to be to much bullshit.

Terrible management, pay checks are always wrong, and the final straw, giving me no option in switching departments. Someone in a different department quit. Ok, so normally they would put out a job posting to see if anyone else in the building wants the job. Which I'm sure there are.

However, my supervisor is making me so it. He's been trying to get me to switch departments for months. I don't want to. It's a bit better pay, however their shift is wacky, and would cost me an extra $320 in gas money. So I would end up making less than I do now at the end of expenses. Plus it's a much harder job.

Now, all that is enough to make me want to quit. But, on top of that, try are only giving me 2 weeks (6 days) of training. Then I'm on my own. Not possible to learn all the shit I need to in 2 weeks. Even the guys training me thinks its insane. And to fully train someone would take months. Not weeks.

So, I've had enough of this stupid place. Not going to quit till I have another job lined up. But I'm definitely looking with both eyes wide open.
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